What is NVA?

Never-ending Volleyball Academy (NVA), to make everybody play volleyball forever. Achieving this requires an ample supply of venues, high-quality coaching and physical training, and visionary top-notch skill development. The NVA community is inclusive and supportive. We help concretely in realizing one’s dreams.

Volleyball is the only altruistic sport because passing the ball is a rule! It helps to open to our own self and to others. It prizes individuals as team players, and it is a great tool for positively educating and growing our society. At NVA you can breathe energy and enthusiasm. You can find new volleyball tools and acceptance. We are always aiming to experiment and practice something new and cool…. we are cool! We will help you to realize your volleyball dream.

What are we up to?

Our last endeavor is establishing an international high-quality but affordable volleyball facility. Recognizing the pivotal role of venues in promoting volleyball, we are committed to providing something outstanding that has never been seen in Taiwan, establishing a concrete link between the world and professional to the people of our country. It is gonna be flexible and easily reachable for everybody. The best opportunity for volleyball enthusiasts to engage and immerse themselves in the sport and life enjoyment


Federico Rampazzo

I was willing to express a part of me, the coach one, the one that help people trough volleyball. I wanted to help people willing to grow, mind opened, I wanted to help Taiwan to grow up from bottom to top after the Sport Reform, at the end, failed to have concrete results. All here wants result immediately, even in elementary school but in this way sport becomes a danger for the body and the mind, and not health and education as it has to be. I told my friend JiHong about the idea to build up a club here discovering he had the same. The rest is a growing process clarifying day by day a vision in nursing the quality and capacities of the new friends that become part of us, our members 🙂 live to follow with it


Head coach of Taiwan woman’s national volleyball team


Coach of Esse-ti Carilo Loreto (Italian Volleyball League A1)


Coach of Ural Ufa (Russian Volleyball Super League)


Head coach of Silvolley club U18, U16


Coach of Carilo Loreto (Italian Volleyball League A2)


Coach of Megius VolleyClub Padova (Italian Volleyball League A1)


Ji-Hong, Lu

If I were to summarize the reason for establishing this club in one sentence, it would be: “I hope all volleyball enthusiasts in Taiwan can play the sport for a lifetime.”
As a physical therapist, I’ve treated numerous players injured due to technical immaturity, muscle flexibility issues, and more. As a fitness coach, I’ve witnessed many players experiencing a decline in physical fitness as they age due to a lack of training. Eventually, many people gradually leave the court, even though playing volleyball once consumed so much of our college years and created countless memories. I aspire for this club to be a place where many individuals can regularly train, compete, and form lifelong bonds with great teammates. This way, perhaps everyone can continue to enjoy the sport, preventing volleyball passion from fading away. In the future, we plan to introduce courses on physical training, rehabilitation of old injuries, beginner classes, children’s classes, and more. However, let’s start with those of you who are eager to continue getting stronger.
Fortunately, I found a coach who shares this value, Federico Rampazzo. Together, we established this club. He has always wanted to bring different perspectives on volleyball to Taiwan, hoping this sport can inspire and bring happiness to more people. Thus, we planned this club together. I hope this club can also help you achieve your volleyball dreams.

國家高等考試 物理治療師
臺北市立大學 運動科學碩士
中堃飛鷹女子排球隊 體能教練
旅歐排球選手 黃培閎 特約物理治療師
TVA台灣排球協會 業餘聯賽 場邊醫護組長
GDV排球聯賽 場邊醫護組長